Interview Time!

Since, I've been talking a lot throughout this blog, I wanted to give my roommate Lacy a chance to be interviewed and give some insight on this topic. I chose Lacy specifically since she's a veterinarian technician and works with animals on the daily. She also has some insight on therapy, so I knew she would be the perfect candidate. I asked Lacy two questions: "Why do you think therapy is important" and "What do you believe the benefits of animal therapy are." 

To that first question, "Why do you think therapy is important" Lacy had a lot to say to that. She stated that, "therapy completely saved my life and I don't know where I would be without therapy. I was in therapy from a young age and started to go regularly in school. Animal therapy wasn't that popular back then, but I remember my therapist recommending me to get myself an animal which was supposed to help my anxiety. I ended up getting a orange tabby cat and fell in love with it. It was not only the sweetest animal ever, but it fully helped my anxiety stabilize and it wasn't nearly as bad as it used to be!"

This was Lacy's response to the second question, "What do you believe the benefits of animal therapy are." "I've worked in an animal shelter almost my whole life and being surrounded by animals constantly can really bring up your whole mood. There would be times when I would walk into work in the worst mood ever, and being around the animals always brightened my day. I saw the benefits of being around animals constantly, so I took it into consideration to get my own animal and try out animal therapy - which was the best decision I've ever made!!! :)"


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