About Me

Hi! My name is Rachel PAWers and I write Cats4Health to help people understand what the benefits of owning an animal can be regarding your mental health. I'm a full-time college student and suffer from anxiety and am consistently stressed out. I have a major in business administration and a minor in psychology which allows to me exhibit my knowledge on the brain and why people suffer from mental illnesses. I've always been extremely interested in psychology and the idea that everyone around you is constantly going through something. I have always been drawn to cats and those have always been my favorite animal ever since I was young. My main goal of this blog page is to promote the benefits of what having a cat can do to a person's mental state. I'll go into intense detail about the specific health benefits and even talk a little bit about my own experiences since I also own three cats myself! I wanted to break the stigma about talking about mental health and I started this blog to mainly make people feel not alone. I want this blog to feel like a safe space and I hope to create a welcoming community. I want to community that I'm creating to be able to rant to each other about anything and help guide each other into our best versions of our self. To contact me with any questions or concerns, please email rachelpawers@gmail.com or feel free to leave a comment on any one of my blog posts :)


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