Correlation between cats and mental health?

Growing up, I feel like mental health has become less of a taboo idea and many people seem to be discussing it more. As being a college student, I wanted to dedicate this blog to talk about my own business "Cats4Health." We live in a world today where a lot of people are struggling with their own mental health and sometimes can't afford to spends hundreds of dollars on therapy. In this situation an animal such as a cat, can have such a positive impact on your own mental health. According to American Psychiatric Association, "among pet owners, (86%) of people have said their pets have a mostly positive impact on their mental health." Around (86%) of cat owners were able to say that there mental health was positively affects after having a cat. My goal with this blog is to allow my business to become well known and allow people to have a less intimidating way of receiving some type of therapy. I specifically work with animal shelters and see countless animals that are in need for a home. We work hand in hand with the people in need of some mental assistance and allow them to foster the cat for specific amount of time. By the time they have finished fostering the cat they will be given an ultimatum on if they would want to officially adopt the cat or give it to the next person in need. I have an immense amount of pride in my business since we are helping to improve numerous people's mental health and are also giving cats a home at the same time:)


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