
Showing posts from September, 2023

My Year in Review

Since the last few months of 2023 are upon us, I wanted to fully dedicate a blog post to talk about the year Cats4Health had. I remember when I first started this business, and everybody around me wasn't quite sure how I was going to make it successful. I had a lot of people question my thinking and so many people didn't have faith that animal therapy is such an important habit to incorporate in your life. Cats4Health has grown so much over this past year and I'm so beyond thankful for each one of you. The staff and employees at our local business are such an immense amount of help and are always on their toes. This year for the team really shined positive light onto what is to come with this business. Since within the past few months our marketing team has been outstanding with producing content, my business has been receiving a lot more attention. Looking ahead, we plan to start to offer more animals during animal therapy instead of just cats. Yes, cats are the main reaso

3 Reasons why Animal Therapy is Important!

Animal therapy is a newer type of therapy within the decade and has since had a lot of data come out about this type of therapy and its benefits. To start, there are three aspects that are benefited by animal therapy which are - Mental Health, Psychical Health, and Skills Improvement.  1. Mental Health  If you've ever felt a sense of joy or relief when petting an animal, then you have experienced one of the many mental health benefits of animal therapy. According to Husson University, "the presence of an animal prompts the body to release serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin. These hormones generate a relaxation and stress-reducing response. This hormone release can lower symptoms of depression and sadness, helping support good mental health."   2. Psychical Health It can be common knowledge that there are mental health benefits from animal therapy, but a lot of people are sometimes surprised to hear about the psychical benefits. According to Husson University, "res

Let's Rant....

A lot has been on my mind lately ever since developing this business. Some people I've encountered in real life do not fully understand the benefits of animal therapy and a lot of the time they look at it as something "silly" or "not important." Ever since creating this blog, it's gotten a decent amount of traction, but it still has some growing to do. I say this because I don't typically encounter fans of my blog in real life. Since a blog is online, I create such close online friendship with all my supporters. However last week, I had a so-called fan come up to me at the grocery store and blatantly laugh in my face about my blog. He started to just say how pointless therapy is and started ripping on the idea of animal therapy. I was beyond shocked to say the least and I couldn't believe how rude someone could be. I know with posting online comes with haters and people who don't necessarily agree with what you believe in, but that's never an

The History of Animal Therapy

According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, "Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act, and helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices." A person's mental health varies from one another, and some people have worse mental health than others. Sometimes talking to a therapist can help a person express their thoughts and what they're specifically going through during a period. Therapy options are endless and throughout the years many different forms of therapy have started to become more popular. Some types of therapy include art therapy, psychotherapy, family therapy, exposure therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy , and even animal therapy . People's mental health can improve based on the type of therapy that is chosen for them. Specifically in this blog page, we focus on animal therapy and want to display the benefits it truly has for

How to Find the Best Animal Shelter!

As we know, Cats4Health is a global business, which allows people who are struggling with mental health to have some sort out outlet. We want people to feel safe and comfortable reaching out to the responders in this business so they can help you from there. Once you connect with this business and realize you want to be a part of it, the first step is to contact one of our Cats4Health responders. Our responders are on call 24/7 and can speak to you online or even in person. Reaching out to someone is the most important first step because you are acknowledging that help is needed. Sometimes it's so tough to ask for help and even come to the realization that you may be struggling. Our responders are trained and have degrees in psychology, so they understand the concepts of mental illness extremely well. Once you have spoken to a responder the next step is for them to connect you with a local animal shelter. This business wouldn't be possible if the animal shelters weren't aro