Let's Rant....

A lot has been on my mind lately ever since developing this business. Some people I've encountered in real life do not fully understand the benefits of animal therapy and a lot of the time they look at it as something "silly" or "not important." Ever since creating this blog, it's gotten a decent amount of traction, but it still has some growing to do. I say this because I don't typically encounter fans of my blog in real life. Since a blog is online, I create such close online friendship with all my supporters. However last week, I had a so-called fan come up to me at the grocery store and blatantly laugh in my face about my blog. He started to just say how pointless therapy is and started ripping on the idea of animal therapy. I was beyond shocked to say the least and I couldn't believe how rude someone could be. I know with posting online comes with haters and people who don't necessarily agree with what you believe in, but that's never an excuse to be cruel to someone. In the end, I still want everyone reading this to do what they love regardless of the people rooting on your downfall. Yes, there can be some nasty people that say mean things, but all the positive people who keep coming to my blog weekly truly out way the bad! I wouldn't be where I was at if it wasn't for everyone reading this, and I'm beyond thankful for the support system I have to this day:)

Circles of support - Challenging Behaviour Foundation


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