My Year in Review

Since the last few months of 2023 are upon us, I wanted to fully dedicate a blog post to talk about the year Cats4Health had. I remember when I first started this business, and everybody around me wasn't quite sure how I was going to make it successful. I had a lot of people question my thinking and so many people didn't have faith that animal therapy is such an important habit to incorporate in your life. Cats4Health has grown so much over this past year and I'm so beyond thankful for each one of you. The staff and employees at our local business are such an immense amount of help and are always on their toes. This year for the team really shined positive light onto what is to come with this business. Since within the past few months our marketing team has been outstanding with producing content, my business has been receiving a lot more attention. Looking ahead, we plan to start to offer more animals during animal therapy instead of just cats. Yes, cats are the main reason I started this business, but I realized some people may be allergic to cats and may want to have other options during animal therapy. We plan to start offering dogs, bunnies, and even hedgehogs as therapy options. Overall, this year has been so special to me, and I cannot wait to see what my team and I will create throughout the next years. Keep a lookout on the blog page to see when we announce the different animal options for therapy next year;)

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