Is There a Problem with Animal Therapy?

Ever since I've created Cats4Health, I've talked to and ran into a lot of people that don't necessarily agree with the idea of animal therapy. Animal therapy has an immense number of benefits to a person's mental health, but there are some problems with it that I'd like to discuss. One of the main problems of animal therapy consists of the cost of it. Animal therapy isn't as common as regular therapy so a lot of the time it's rare to find a therapy establishment that offers this service. Over the past decade animal therapy has become more prevalent, but many facilities that offer animal therapy may be out of people's price range. Another problem with animal therapy is the safety of the animals and even the people involved. Injuries can happen such as a fall, bite, and even a scratch. Animals are unpredictable and you can't fully control the behavior of animals. Cats4Health has professional people that train the animals to make sure that they are on their best behavior. However, we never know how the animals or even the people will react during the therapy service. Not only that, but sanitation and hygiene can also be a problem. Cats4Health makes sure that all our animals are up to date with their shots and have zero health problems which makes animal therapy completely safe. However, I've seen other animal therapy companies that don't keep their animals safe and healthy which can cause problems. In contrast, people can also be allergic to certain animals which will cause huge problems for them to have an enjoyable therapy service. With any company or service there's always going to be some sort of problem but it's your job to make the most of it. I try my hardest to keep my business up to date and I always provide the best service for my clients :)


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