Let's Link

As a blogger, it's so common to read other people's blogs and become inspired by their content. Ever since I created this blog, I've made a lot of online friends that feel the same way I feel about animal therapy. One of my favorite blog pages is called "PAWS Your Stress Blog" that has a lot of insightful information. It's a blog page that allows actual people to post a blog and give some detail on their experience with a therapy animal. One of my favorite blog posts was titled, "From Pets to Therapy Animals: My first interaction." In this blog post, this woman named Aliya is talking about her experience with therapy animals that I started to relate to. She ends her blog stating, "Therapy Dogs, pets, and animals in general can offer love and support while acting as reliable attachment figures. If you are curious about how it is to interact with one, I would encourage you to reach out and see for yourself. It will be an experience that you won’t regret!" I thought this was such a great way to end her post and I truly resonated with the idea that the animals are just there to help you!! This was only one of the many fascinating posts they have throughout this blog page. People experience different things with different animals so it's nice to hear people's different views of animals and even animal therapy. Please check out PAWS Your Stress Blog and give that blog page a quick scroll!! You won't regret it trust me :)))

Here's a link to Aliya's article!!



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