Inspiration for My Readers

When struggling with your mental health it can sometimes be extremely discouraging when nothing feels like it’s working. I've been struggling with my mental health for years now, and I've tried many different options. When researching different types of options for my mental health, therapy was constantly an option that kept reoccurring. I decided to give therapy a chance and started going to see a therapist weekly. In my opinion, talking with a therapist daily didn't seem to improve my mental health. I know it takes many tries to find the right therapist, but with every single therapist I tried, I just wasn't connecting with any of them. This was when I investigated animal therapy and instantly fell in love with it. Sometimes people operate differently, and certain therapy options don't work for everyone. Animal therapy helped my mental health immensely and this is what made me want to start my own business surrounding it. Since there are hundreds of different types of therapy options, I want people to know to never give up. Mental health is complicated and finding the right type of therapy option that is perfect for you can be challenging. My advice for anyone that is reading this is to never give up. Don't get upset when you don't see improvement in your mental health. It takes time to see change but don't get discouraged whenever it feels like it's taking forever. Sometimes all it takes is switching your therapy service and finding out what service makes you feel the safest in :)


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