What if Animals Were Never Created?

Since Cats4Health is a therapy business surrounding animals, I think it may be quite interesting to look at a hypothetical idea. What if animals were never created? I think humans don't realize how much of an impact animals have on us. We see them constantly which can become somewhat part of our daily routines. I see ants roaming the ground, birds flying, and even an annoying fly roaming my house. Animals so small have such a big impact on the world. Now when we look at animal therapy, if animals were never created, there would be no animal therapy. Animals create a type of comfort that I truly don’t believe you can always achieve with a human. Animals are entirely non-judgmental, and they have such a calming essence to them. While looking at larger animals, the world relies of off certain animals to function correctly. For example, elephants create a source of water for other species and even bees help with pollution. It's quite special to see such a small animal (like a bee) has such a huge impact on the environment. Now, I'm very glad that this is just a hypothetical post, but I think it's smart to ponder this idea. It's always good to take a step back and look at everything you have in life. Animals may seem so generic but they're truly such amazing creatures that everyone should be thankful for. Without them, this business wouldn't be the same and may have not even been able to happen. I pride myself in my work with cats and allowing people to understand the benefits cats provide. Look around and make sure the animals in your life feel appreciated :)


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