Debate Time

It's good to look at both sides to every scenario. In this case I would like to debate a topic revolving around animal therapy. Should animal therapy be as popular as animal therapy? Looking at it from one side, people could say that yes! animal therapy should be as common as animal therapy. When going to a therapy service you should always have the option to either chose between regular therapy and animal therapy. As for Cats4Health, we're very much in favor of this option and obviously lean towards that side. Now on the other hand, there's going to be many people that disagree with this statement and believe that animal therapy is a luxury and shouldn't be as accessible as regular therapy. Since animal therapy is still new a lot move psychologists don't know much about it and simply don't agree with the idea of animals helping a person's mental health. This is where you must fully understand yourself and chose a therapy that you think will benefit you in the most positive way. But not only that, make sure that the therapy you choose is affordable and the right fit. As always there's going to be people that don't understand Cats4Health and that's totally okay! Every day I see new clients that are improving their mental health. I see the benefits animal therapy gives my clients and that's what motivates to keep going every day. Don't listen to the haters and all the people trying to tear you down. Do what you love:)


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