
Showing posts from October, 2023

Is There a Problem with Animal Therapy?

Ever since I've created Cats4Health, I've talked to and ran into a lot of people that don't necessarily agree with the idea of animal therapy. Animal therapy has an immense number of benefits to a person's mental health, but there are some problems with it that I'd like to discuss. One of the main problems of animal therapy consists of the cost of it. Animal therapy isn't as common as regular therapy so a lot of the time it's rare to find a therapy establishment that offers this service. Over the past decade animal therapy has become more prevalent, but many facilities that offer animal therapy may be out of people's price range. Another problem with animal therapy is the safety of the animals and even the people involved. Injuries can happen such as a fall, bite, and even a scratch. Animals are unpredictable and you can't fully control the behavior of animals. Cats4Health has professional people that train the animals to make sure that they are on t

Let's Link

As a blogger, it's so common to read other people's blogs and become inspired by their content. Ever since I created this blog, I've made a lot of online friends that feel the same way I feel about animal therapy. One of my favorite blog pages is called "PAWS Your Stress Blog" that has a lot of insightful information. It's a blog page that allows actual people to post a blog and give some detail on their experience with a therapy animal. One of my favorite blog posts was titled, "From Pets to Therapy Animals: My first interaction." In this blog post, this woman named Aliya is talking about her experience with therapy animals that I started to relate to. She ends her blog stating, "Therapy Dogs, pets, and animals in general can offer love and support while acting as reliable attachment figures. If you are curious about how it is to interact with one, I would encourage you to reach out and see for yourself. It will be an experience that you wo

Interview Time!

Since, I've been talking a lot throughout this blog, I wanted to give my roommate Lacy a chance to be interviewed and give some insight on this topic. I chose Lacy specifically since she's a veterinarian technician and works with animals on the daily. She also has some insight on therapy, so I knew she would be the perfect candidate. I asked Lacy two questions: "Why do you think therapy is important" and "What do you believe the benefits of animal therapy are."  To that first question, "Why do you think therapy is important" Lacy had a lot to say to that. She stated that, "therapy completely saved my life and I don't know where I would be without therapy. I was in therapy from a young age and started to go regularly in school. Animal therapy wasn't that popular back then, but I remember my therapist recommending me to get myself an animal which was supposed to help my anxiety. I ended up getting a orange tabby cat and fell in love with

Dr. Boris Levinson

Therapy has been a mental health concept that has been around for a while. Many people either fully support therapy and many people don't fully see the benefits of it. However, during the 1960s, the very first formal research involving animal therapy begun by a man named Dr. Boris Levinson. Dr. Boris Levinson found that his dog had a very positive effect on mentally impaired patients. He was the director of human animal companion therapy and had many great discovering's throughout his career. He noticed that humans were more comfortable and were more likely to socialize with his dog than with other humans. The noticeable changes in human behavior when interacting with animals is the main reason why Animal Therapy has become such a huge part in today's therapeutic practices. Initially a lot of Levinson's peers dismissed his work and didn't understand why animal therapy would be something he would want to focus his study's one. Levinson ignored the s

Animal Shelter Reviews

Since our business works entirely around animal shelters, I think it's good to note which animal shelters are worth the hype and which ones you need to stay away from. As stated previously, we first connect a client to one of our Cats4Health responders. Once you talked to them and expressed your mental health concerns, we then connect you with a local animal shelter. This is the process that has been working immensely for this business, so we are continuing to provide following this procedure. We've worked with a lot of great animal shelters that has done wonders for many of my client's mental health. Some of the animal shelters I strongly recommend are Paw Patrol Shelter, Purrr-fect Animal Shelter, and Meow Meow Shelter. These are some of the main shelters we've worked with that has constantly had such a positive attitude to any of the clients we've brought to them. Not only that, but those three animal shelters have been there with me from the beginning. Way back

Let's Critique

As we know, I've never been a judgmental person and tend to always have good intentions in mind for people. It took a lot of help and immense amount of time to finally create this business and I just wanted to take some time to critique a fellow competing business. Competing businesses make other businesses stronger and I wanted to recognize that in this specific post. I would say the main competitor I have against my business is regular therapy with a person. A lot of people either really enjoy the idea of animal therapy or are completely confused by it. Regular therapy is a huge competitor simply because people like to go the old fashion way. Sometimes change is a lot for people which means some people may not want to adventure out to try new types of therapy. Animal therapy is such a safer outlet for therapy. It can be intimidating to talk to a person one on one and describe everything you're feeling in that moment. On the other hand, animal therapy allows you to release any